That episode where.. We speak to teacher that has been through the RHS School Gardening Awards levels to fin out what its really like for a school
Read MoreThat episode where.. We get back to that subject of Garden Centres, but are we being too harsh on them? should we cut them some slack? And is it medias fault that garden centres can't sell plants all year round?
Read MoreThat episode where.. we discuss Lockdown 2.0 and whether at this time of year, can gardening be the hobbit to save us all again!
Read MoreThat episode where.. we uncover exactly what has been stopping the ban on peat in the garden industry, as listeners call in to discuss why they've gone peat free and what new gardeners should look out for.
Read MoreHave you ever used a shotgun to get caterpillars???! Well this is That episode where.. we watch an episode of The Victorian Kitchen Garden and get behind the scenes chat with Sean James Cameron
Read MoreThat episode where.. we look into the new gardening club GDN Club available right now at
Read MoreThat episode where.. I discuss the school gardening programme, with the worry that its just the same as everything else? Plus should you fleece your plants up over winter?
Read MoreThat episode where.. we speak to BBC Gardeners' Question Times Matthew Biggs, looking at how he handled lockdown, getting children into gardening, how writing gardening books is harder than it reads AND how a gardening pirate discovered Australia. Its not an episode to be missed!
Read MoreThat episode where.. We review the film that has the world taking about soil, Netflix's Kiss the Ground. Tell me what you thought on social media
Read MoreThat episode where.. Hort week announce the Top 50 Gardening presenters, and guess who is at number 48!
Read MoreThat episode where.. Myself and Mr Suggett come Live from 'The Podding Shed', as will watch and review a full episode of Ground Force to look behind the scenes of what was going on.
Read MoreThat episode where.. I speak to Karl from Phillitown No Dig on Youtube about buying grow lights to continue growing throughout the winter.
Read MoreThat episode where.. We have our halloween special, with composting but not the way you think, bodies under the patio and sheep eating plants! Plus The Great British Pumpkin Off, where we look at your pumpkins!
Read MoreThat episode where.. We watch a classic episode of Ground Force and a caller reveals some behind the scenes secrets of what really went on.
Read MoreThat episode where.. We sit down with Richard Suggett and Mark Mackie to discuss in more detail a growing plan for schools in 2021
Read MoreThat episode where.. We discuss whether the 2021 garden show season would be happening at all, and the options that could be available, Plus should schools be growing wheat.
Read MoreThat episode where.. I decide that a goat might be a great purchase for the garden. It doesn't quite go to plan..
Read MoreThat episode where.. We talk about the wet weather and a story about an invisible garden.. just the usual then!
Read MoreThat episode where.. Our youngest Listeners Call-In, locked in their Nans front room! Haha!
Read MoreThat episode where.. Im not talking until you start talking.. or not as the case was!
Read More